APT Foundation Taking Good News... to the ends of the earth!  

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APT stands for AustralAsia-Pacific Thrust. It is the region of the world we reach out to as a Teaching and Missions organization. It is geographically the farthest from these United States.

APT Foundation is an inter-denominational missions ministry, and was pioneered by Andrew and in 1990. As of the present time, APT supports scores of pastors in developing countries; has constructed 16 church buildings; has purchased 17 motorcycles for native pastors, and has established 3 Bible colleges in Fiji, Northern India, and Indonesia!

Anne has a Mercy ministry called the DOOR OF HOPE in Bangalore, India, which is A FREE Day Care Center for underprivileged children from the slums.

They have a son, Luke.

2 Timothy 2:24 says, "The Lord's servant should be APT to teach..."   Teaching is Andrew's strongest gifting.

2 Kings 24:16 says, "...soldiers... strong and APT for war."   We are committed to moving ahead in a positive way, gaining ground for God!

Supporting Pastors in developing countries
One of the key objectives of APT is to help financially subsidize native pastors in developing countries. APT has been doing this since 1990, primarily for pastors in the Asia-Pacific region of the world. Two of the biggest target nations have been Indonesia - the most populated Moslem country in the world, and India - the most populated Hindu country in the world! It averages US $29 per month to help subsidize one native pastor! For more information, contact us.

APT Foundation has helped to purchase 17 motorcycles to facilitate needy pastors to be more effective in reaching people in remote areas of developing countries.

Constructing Church Buildings
Since our incipience, APT has financially helped to construct 17 simple but solid church buildings in Indonesia, India, Fiji, Vanuatu, and the Solomon Islands. It averages US $5,000 to assist with the construction of a simple church building! For more information, contact us.

Feeding and Educating Needy Children
Anne has been running "Door of Hope" - a Day Care Center for poverty-stricken children from the slums in the City of Bangalore, India. It costs only $10 per month to help sponsor a child. Each child is bathed, fed, and educated five days a week! Between 20 to 25 little ones aged 18 months to 5 years are cared for each day. (See pictures on our Picture Gallery!) For more information, contact us.

Starting Christian Elementary and Secondary Schools
AICS (American International Christian School) was established in 2003 in the Fiji Islands at our 9-acre ABC (APT Bible College) campus there. It is doing well! It is accredited by the Department of Education in Fiji from Kindergarten thru Grade 13 - College entry level. (See pictures on our Photo Gallery!) If you desire more information, contact us.

Likewise, SAICS (St. Andrew's International Christian School) began on our North India APT Bible College campus in 2008. We started with Lower Kindergarten, and have been adding one grade per year. (See pictures on our Picture Gallery!) If you desire to help with any of these aspects of the vision, contact us.

Bible Colleges Established
The first APT Bible College was established in 1996, in the Fiji Islands, in the beautiful South Pacific. It has had an average of nearly 35 students graduate each year. It now also offers a �Diploma in Theology�!

A second APT Bible College was pioneered in Jakarta, Indonesia. For security reasons, we shall not share much more here! Suffice to say we have nearly 30 students here, and many new churches being established through their practical course requirements! This then, is our Christian response to 9/11! :) PTL.

Our North India APT Bible College started functioning in 2005. Opposition to the Gospel is much stronger in the North than in the South. Thus our deliberate choice of location! This 6-acre campus will sleep a minimum of 50 students; and host SAICS - our Christian School.

If you desire more information as how to be a blessing to any of these aspects of Ministry, contact us.

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